Dolls Houses (1956)
C, U of the front of a dolls house with snow outside; M, S of this house between two others as two small girls, Evelyn and Mariette (no surnames to be found), and a woman (Betty Simpson) look at the house at far right; then move along to look through the windows and doors of the other two houses. Commentator tells us this is an exhibition in Park Lane in London. M, S as the three look at The Tate Baby House of 1760; a very large house with two stairways leading up to the front door. The woman opens one of the front panels; C, U of the dining room which is Authentic in every detail, even the wallpaper is original. Extreme C, U of a spinning wheel in the room; the woman picks it up and turns the wheel with her finger, then picks up a tiny book from the table and flicks through to show the writing inside. C, U of the two girls giggling with delight. C, U of the sitting room of the house; a model of an old lady sits at a piano; pictures are mounted on the walls and a carriage clock stands on the mantelpiece