OBSCURED MIX 002: Classic Women Fronted Industrial Noise
Harsh agitators from deep underground, brought forth for you to ewitness in all their brvtal majeste. We ve got even more LoFi HiIntensity awaiting in the new Sleazeon of OBSCURED Radio: Noise 羊 (Schaf) (1980) Fistfuck Live Excerpt (1982) Solanaceae Tau Anticipation Off (1988) Roberta Eklund Chastised Eulogy (1987) Suckdog Sun (1990) Tunnel Canary Excerpt From Er Dang (1982) Maybe Mental Scream (1984) Katharsis Skeleton In Your Closet (1988) Leslie Singer Camus Car Crash (1983) Master, Slave Relationship The Heaviest (1985) Hex Minora ForceFed (1992) Mourning Sickness (You Don t Have To) Say Please (1993) Leutha Plan(e)s For Empty Cities I (Excerpt) (2000) Chrystal Belle Scrodd Riding the Red Rag (1986) Viscera Sweat And Bleed (1986)