Kali Mantra Jaap 108 Repetitions ( Dus Mahavidya Series )
Please consider supporting my work through Patreon here: Buy it on Itunes Goddess Kali ( Devourer of Time or Kal ) Om Kharagam Chakra Gadeshuchaapa Paridhaan Shoolam Bhushun Deem Shira Shankham Sandadhateem Karaistrinayanaam Sarvaanga Bhooshaavrutaam Neelaashma Dyutim Asya Paada Dashakaam Seve Mahaa Kaalikaam Yamastou Svapite Harou Kamalajo Hantung Madhung Kaitabham Means, Holding a scimitar, disk, mace, arrows and bow, lance, club, a skull and a conch shell in Her ten hands. The threeeyed goddess, Her body covered with ornaments, Her countenance with the brilliance of blue diamonds, with ten limbs. We offer our service to mahAkAli, She who Brahma praised for protection from the demons madhu and kaitava, when Bishnu was in sleep. She is among the first, prime and superior in DusMahavidya s (ten forms of great wisdom knowledge) and