UGLY CHIC THE PRADA STORY Miuccia Prada is regarded as one of the most influential and enigmatic fashion designers of modern times. For nearly four decades she has displayed her penchant for setting trends and bucking the ideas of her fellow designers, the now 71yearold together with her CEO partner Patrizio Bertelli has transformed was essentially a small family business into one of the worlds most renowned multi billion dollar fashion houses. Miuccia Prada is a true iconoclast, and one who never ducked a challenge, under her auteur like direction Prada has blended the old and the new, the ugly and the sublime, the vulgar and the simple, to show off a smorgasbord of original and often unexpected ideas. No two collections have ever looked even vaguely the same, and its obvious to any fashionista watching that each well thoughtout garment detail has come from one great mind. And the irony of the Prada renaissance under Muiccia started in 1985 with a choice of an unassuming fabric