How to Code A Better To Do List Tutorial
In this video we will be coding all of the JavaScript for a multilist todo list application. If you want to see the HTML, CSS portion of this application make sure to checkout Kevin Powell s video This is a long video, so we will be covering a ton of useful JavaScript information. We also will be using no frameworks in this video, so you can truly understand how the JavaScript is working. To store all of the data for our application we will be using localStorage since it is easy to setup and incredibly powerful. I will also explain every line of code as I go so you have a complete understanding of everything our application does. IMPORTANT: Kevin Powell s Video (HTML, CSS): Kevin Powell s Channel: . .., WebDevSimplified, webdevsimplified, todolisttutorial, todolisttutorial, todolistjavascript, todolistjavascript, todolistlocalstorage, codeatodolist, howtocodeatodolist, howtocodeatodolist 20190717 W7FaYfuwu70