HEART CHAKRA HEALING MUSIC 639 Hz, 4, Anahata Meditation, Unconditional Love, Energy Healing
HEART CHAKRA HEALING MUSIC 639 Hz, Anahata Meditation, Unconditional Love, Energy Healing Anahata or the heart chakra, is the fourth primary chakra according to Hindu Tantrism. The fourth chakra, called Anahata, is associated with the color green and is located in the central channel of the spine near the heart. Solfeggio frequency 639 Hz brings about unconditional love and psychic energy healing. Anahata is associated with air and the ability to make decisions outside the realm of karma. In Anahata one makes decisions ( follows one s heart ) based on one s higher self, not the unfulfilled emotions and desires of lower nature. At the level of Anahata chakra appears the possibility to integrate the two opposite forces and obtain the effect, without the two forces being confronted. This energy is specific to cooperation and integration, which brings peace and a new perspective in a world which, up to this level (considering only the energies specific to the first three centres of force: Muladhara, Swasdhistan