Schools Open Day For Longmoor Military Railway (1958)
Longmoor Camp, Hampshire MS. Pan Longmoor sign to train arriving with cadets. CU. Cadets leaving train. CU. Train name. Title shot 1900 Locomotive Woolmer, as boys enter frame and clamber on and into loco. Various close ups of boys on locomotive MS. Kids on locomotive. Gazelle 1893 veteran of the Shropshire and Montgomery Light Railway. CU. Longmoor Locomotive sign. GV. Station. MS. CU. Kids oiling engine. MS. CU. Boys on engine. Shot in cabin of train as boys stoke engine. MS. Boys in locomotive yard. MS. CU. Boy frightens friends with steam. CU. Boy turning on steam. MS. CU. Boys run riot in signal box. Slow run of shots of signals working. MS. As kids are chased out of signal box. Cutins of kids on Gazelle locomotive MS. Driver of train looking perplexed at signals flapping. MS. Danny Thomas aged 14 in uniform of the Royal Hampshire Cadets taps wheels helped by Colin Jacobs. CU. Danny tapping wheels. MS. Bill Herwig in cabin of engine, he wipes hands on cloth. MS. Driver and fireman talking as boys sn