Custom Interaction, 3: How to Scale the Objects Assemblr Studio Tutorial
Hola, back again with our Custom Interaction series Only this time, well be talking about how to scale the objects. How to do so you said No more wondering, lets watch this video for the tutorial Also, make sure to check out our first and second episodes on our YouTube if you havent. Halo, balik lagi nih di seri Custom Interaction Tapi di kali ini, kami akan spesifik bahas tentang bagaimana cara memperbesar atau memperkecil objek. Wah, emang bisa tuh Gimana caranya Daripada bingung, langsung aja ya tonton tutorialnya Jangan lupa juga buat cek episode 1 dan 2 di YouTube kami buat kamu yang belum sempet tonton, ya.