Prostate Issues Skid Marks Whats the Connection
I ask the partners of all my patients with enlarged prostate or even suspected enlarged prostates, do you all have a skid mark problem Skid marks are voodoo stains in the seat of the underwear. Interestingly enough, its a conversation many couples have never had. But, if the answer is yes, I know a few things about his case already. 1. Constipation may be an issue which is a problem for the prostate 2. He doesnt like to touch himself back there 3. He is going to resist prostate massage 4. She hates going down on him To get The Prostate Bundle head over to Asian countries have a lower incidence of prostate cancer. Is it lifestyle Is it genetics I honestly think it is because they have less fear about their butt and about poop. But also, the prostate massage is a cultural norm. In western countries where it is taboo and not discussed, we have huge problems with BPH and prostate cancer. annalsofg