Killer Kettlebell TABATA Workout
It s Tabata time and today we are throwing a kettlebell in the mix. Each tabata circuit has 2 exercises that we will repeat 4 times for a serious burn and some serious sweat A dumbbell can always be used if you don t have a kettlebell. Just do your best, follow along and have fun Nutrition Guide: Free 12 Week Workout Plan: Free Monthly Workout Calendar: My Spotify Playlist: My Instagram: Workout Breakdown: Warm Up 4 Kettlebell Tabata circuits 20s work + 10s rest x4 rounds each Cool Down Stretch Equipment Needed: 1 kettlebell or dumbbell (mine is 15lbs) exercise mat or other soft surface. The Mat I use: Where I download my Music Try it FREE for 30 days My Amazon Picks: L I N K S Website: Inst