Queen If You Cant Beat Them Amplitube 5 Tone using IRs
FInally finished something This was very difficult one to make as I went after trying get the edgy unpolished production of the album version. This is a very underappreciated song and I was surprised to find there were was only two attempts at it on YouTube. There s a real sense that a lot of this was jammed in the studio with some dubs later for vocals. It s a crazy and long outro but it has so much signature Brian May licks in there, I had to take it apart. I m using AmpliTube 5 and the Brian May set. This version of AmpliTube lets you load up impulse responses which are how you can simulate other microphoned speaker possibilities. I used an OwnHammer file that makes the sound of an SM57 pointed at the rear of the amp blended with some of the stuff I used for my Montreal presets. You can get that set of impulse responses here: They re very useful for working with the digital stuff and you need more options. My guitar has Yonderbosk Creations Sovereign pickups