Asking for permission May I Can I Spoken English course
Learn useful vocabulary and phrases with the Spoken English video course. We can guarantee you, that by the end of this course, you will be able to speak fluently with your friends, colleagues and new people in English. Asking for permission is important, and important everywhere Asking for something in the right way will help you in many situations. You may need to ask a friend, for example to use headphones, or ask your teacher if you can leave the classroom. Knowing when to ask permission is also important. There are some situations where you are not required to ask it. Learning rules at home and in the classroom will help you know when you need to ask. For example, in the classroom if you are doing an art project, you probably do not need to ask for permission to choose the colors you want, unless your teacher has specifically said to use shades of a certain color like green. The rules for asking permissions is only one part of the process use polite forms when asking for permissions and