Просто о Past Continuous
ВК Текст видео: В этом выпуске мы рассказываем все о времени Past Continuous. Когда его использовать, как строится Past Continuous. 1. Ben was swimming in the pool at 4 oclock. I went to the shop yesterday. (Past Simple) I was going to the shop when I met Ben. (Past Continuous) I was taking a shower when you called. Past Continuous: was, were + verb (ing) Ben and I were driving home when the engine suddenly stopped. Yesterday at 4 oclock, yesterday at the same time 2. Jessy was studying Spanish in summer. 3. And, while I was writing a letter to my friend in Australia while my wife was cooking dinner. Was, were + verb (ing) Were you sleeping when I called You sounded drowsy. X Was, were + not verb (ing) The elevator wasnt working in the morning.