ITALY NOW More water fell on Pesaro than in the whole year. Flood in Italy ( Sept 15, 2022)
Flood in Italy (Sept 15, 2022). Pesaro, 15 September 2022there are people missing in the dramatic flood that hit in the evening Cantiano (video), a small town of 2 thousand people at the foot of the Apennines between Marche and Umbria. The town was invaded by a huge amount of water also due to the flooding of the Burano River. The water dragged the cars (video), invaded the lower floors of the houses and caused terror in the inhabitants. Unfortunately, some people are missing at the moment. At the moment these are not missing persons, but they have not been traced at the moment. Tragedy in Mexico Dramatic footage of a flash flood in Colima 2022 NEW FISSURE Biggest volcano Eruption in Iceland 2022 YouTube: , EpicStorm, Floods, NaturalDisasters, flood, flooding, usnews, naturaldisaster, flashflood, weather, weathernews, world