Emaciated Little Body Covered in Mange, She Was Shivering While Crawled Along The Ground, Part 1
Emaciated Little Body Covered in Mange, She Was Shivering While Crawled Along The Ground, Part 1 How does this make you feel We cant even begin to express how much it hurts us to look at her. No words do The vets also discovered a stone in her stomach that she must have swallowed, an indicator that she has been lacking from being covered in mange and in very poor general health, clinic examinations and xrays found that Ayla has no broken bones, but deformity of both her front legs caused by lack of nutrition. She had no choice but to crawl along the ground, which would have created further abrasion and injury to herself as time goes Credit To: Little Steps Matter Foundation , CutePuppy, ,MangePuppy, ,TheMoho You Love Animal Videos Subscribe To Us Here: Facebook: Twitter: http