Ed Bickert s Blonde Fender Telecaster, 1965 at The Twelfth Fret
For many years, the late, world renowned Canadian jazz guitarist Ed Bickert used this mid1965 blonde Fender Telecaster on countless sessions, club dates, and recordings. This guitar was his main instrument from 1965 until his retirement in 2000. Ed Bickert died on February 28, 2019. This iconic guitar was not a stranger to The Twelfth Fret, as Ed Bickert was a customer and had The Twelfth Fret maintain and modify the guitar, adding a Gibson humbucking pickup in the neck position. As Ed used this guitar constantly, it periodically required refretting, and this work was performed by Grant and Russ Lackey at the original Twelfth Fret Repair Shop on Kingston Road. The late Ed Bickert improvises live with his 1965 Fender Telecaster, over photos of that guitar as it is now. MORE