Should I go back to school to get CS degree Ask Preethi
Question: I have been teaching myself to code for almost a year now. I initially started from and other tutorials, the more I learn about web technologies like javascript the more I want to learn lower level languages like c++. A part of me wants to go back to college and study computer science. I have done a little research and many seem to say that it is not necessary but I want be marketable for a career in software development. I have read that the industry is being flooded with junior developers that don t know enough to be productive so I suppose that is why I think I need to go back to school. I had been applying to companies that fit my skill set and I haven t received one response regarding an interview. I would really appreciate your advice on whether I should bi. .., preethi, askpreethi, getsoftwarejob, howtogetsoftwarejob, csdegree, doineedcsdegree ,gettingjobwithoutdegree, nodegree, howtocode 20170630 9TVYjjWkuOU