Gordon Murray: The Legendary father of Mc Laren F1 Interview by Davide Cironi
The opportunity to meet Gordon Murray in the warehouses where the new T50 is being built, before the official presentation, when its aesthetics had not yet been revealed, but only its technical data sheet and chassis, is not exactly an everyday occurrence. The reason I would have this privilege was the ambitious production of a documentary on composite materials (Lords of Carbon), in which all the relevant number ones were involved. Thanks to my dear friend Umberto Belotti and his Company, the impetus came to Gordon Murray to say yes to this young Italian who had been wanting to interview him for years, and not only about his role in the composites history. All good, except that THE DAY BEFORE we flew to England the world came to a standstill over a little thing called COVID19. So the interview you will see was done remotely. A small, indelible stain in the history of Drive Experience that we will never forget. The interview is the one I would have loved to do in person, including the final cherry on top. I c