EVERY 4 CHAIR TURN on The Voice 2022 so far, Mega Compilation
2022 started off with a bang Here are all the 4 Chair Turns from The Voice The Voice Generations in Q1 of 2022 This Mega Compilation features every fourchairturn of the following The Voice versions: The Voice Australia The Voice Belgique . The Voice of Finland . The Voice : la plus belle voix . Lietuvos Balsas, The Voice Of Lithuania The Voice of Mongolia . The Voice Norway . Голос країни La Voz Uruguay This video features the following performances: 00:00:00 Jørgen Dahl Moe 00:02:22 Ty Eddie 00:03:55 Louise 00:06:41 Davaadalai. G 00:08:28 Лия Меладзе 00:10:28 Kaan Kandemir 00:12:24 Micaela Serrón 00:14:01 Eglė Erikas 00:16:06 Sussu Erkinheimo 00:17:55 Eline Roa Gran 00:19:50 Maestrina 00:22:08 Argjenda Aliu 00:23:38 Goda Levickaite 00:25:30 Maysha Capoul