Mikro Tik Open VPN server and Windows Open VPN client ( LAB demo)
The video is publish as a demo for that article: Use that URL for direct english translation: CLI command and URLs used in the video: , certificate add nameCAtpl country BG state BG locality Sofia organization UNIBIT unit MA commonname CA keysize4096 daysvalid3650 keyusagecrlsign, keycertsign, certificate sign CAtpl name CA , certificate add nameSERVERtpl country BG state BG locality Sofia organization UNIBIT unit MA keysize4096 daysvalid1095 keyusagedigitalsignature, keyencipherment, tlsserver, certificate sign SERVERtpl ca CA name SERVER , certificate add nameCLIENTtpl country BG state BG locality Sofia organization UNIBIT unit MA commonname C