30 Min WALK TONE Dumbbell Workout Full Body Tone Cardio Strength Burn Fat Bui
Join me for this 30 Min FULL BODY WALK TONE DUMBBELL WORKOUT and lets burn some calories and tone the entire body This workout features full body compound moves that will tone and even build muscle I included both low and high impact cardio options so you can use this workout as a MISS or HIIT session. Feel free to replace the running sections with your favorite cardio moves (skipping, squat jumps, burpees, high knees, butt kickers, whatever you I m using 2 x 4 kg dumbbells in this workout. Make sure you adjust your weights and pace to suit your fitness and energy level. Warning: Always be mindful of contracting your core and keeping a straight back whenever you do any sort of forward bend I dont want anyone to get hurt Just go as low as your body allows and do slow and controlled moves Don t force things I post daily easy at home workouts (low and moderate intensity) for Calorie Burn and Weight Loss Get your steps in with these