SPT Secksually Confident Male OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO
Being with me is the best possible choice for any women Women love men and especially love me I am God I am perfect this is my universe i am fearless, courageous and bold (youre so bold) Women love secks and they want secks from me Women love to be hit on even if they pretend otherwise Women are nurterers and pleasers who want to nurture and please me I am a self assured, confident, secksual and dominant male I am the greatest genius this world has ever seen (youre so smart) Im growing more beautiful and luminous day by day People love me i make friends easily (can i be your friend ) I am completely irresistable to women Women love secks and they want secks from me (four x) I have secks with super hot, confident, loving, caring and intelligent women with genius IQs all the time Genius IQs all the timeI have a perfectly sculptured, muscleripped body I am super hot and secksy all women want me (I want you) Abundance is my natural state of being Seck