Heinrich Schutz O Jesu, Nomen Dulce Andreas Scholl
Note: For some reason I don t understand, some parts of the video is out of sync slightly. It looks just fine on wmp but apparently something happened in the process of uploading it. . Heinrich Schutz (15851672) From Kleine geistliche Konzerte Vol II SWV 308 O Jesu, nomen dulce, nomen admirabile, nomen confortans, quid enim canitur suavius, quid auditur jucundius, quid cogitatur dulcis, quam Jesu, Dei filius. O nomen Jesu, verus animae cibus, in ore mel, in aure melos, in corde laetitia mea. Tuum itaque nomen, dulcissime Jesu, in aeternum in ore meo portabo.