KPOP IN PUBLIC, ONE TAKE PIXY (픽시) Let Me Know, Dance Cover by COVEN Crew from RUSSIA
Welcome, Winxy Let me know, boy We tried very hard for this cover, we shed blood, sweat and tears, so we are happy to present you our new cover We hope we managed to get your attention for a few minutes, please give us a big support Thank you Dancers: Ella (엘라), Byeol popovkad Dajeong (다정), Bibi bibiblqxk Lola (로라), Mika misskumiho Dia (디아), Dan Satbyeol (샛별), L Sua (수아), Kora Girls backup dance: Kris kris2js Ji Joy xmurblu Mad maygrrr Filmed by: Sergey sergeytikhiy Edited by: Dan DISCLAIMER We don t own PIXY music. Our video is a fanmade and is in no way associated with this group music company ( under ALLART Entertainment and managed by Happy Tribe Entertain