DEFENCE Hitlers bombshell for Europe, Remembrance Day parades in Berlin; Bernard Shaw
BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit German rearmament displayed in Remembrance Day parades in Berlin. George Bernard Shaw s controversial comments on Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: CONSCRIPTION FOR GERMANY (MIXED DISSOLVE) Hitler s bombshell for Europe. Dramatic decision comes after triumphal Remembrance Day parades in Berlin. GERMANY: Berlin: Top view of troops in square, Semi view of Mackensen shaking hands with Hitler. Top view of flags and march past. Ground shot of flags past Hitler. CU. Hitler saluting. Semi view of troops past Hitler doing goosestep. Pan. from Band to troops past doing goose step. CU. of Hitler saluting. Sound Effects: Offstage voice talks about Commemoration of German War Dead and about Hitler declaration of Germany Rearming. Playing of Military music. SLATE INFORMATION: London: Mr Bernard Shaw says no need