Spanning the Delta of Mars Jezero Crater (video)
This 60second video pans across an enhancedcolor composite image, or mosaic, of the delta at Jezero Crater on Mars. The delta formed billions of years ago from sediment that an ancient river carried to the mouth of the lake that once existed in the crater. Taken by the MastcamZ instrument aboard NASAs Perseverance rover, the video begins looking almost due west of the rover, and sweeps to the right until it faces almost due north. Sixteen images compose the mosaic that provides the base image for this video (included as an additional figure); they were acquired on Nov. 28, 2021 (the 275th sol, or Martian day, of Perseverances mission) as the rover sat at the highest vantage point in the South Séítah geological unit, allowing a perspective that included boulders and other features atop the delta as well as farther west and northwest across its surface. The mountains in the background are the rim of Jezero Crater. The view also shows brown hills in the middle distance that are part of an ancient del