Sailor Moon is BACK And it s just like you remember Except that Pluto isn t a planet anymore. Suck it, Pluto. Subscribe now for more Animation Domination HighDef clips: Watch Shows + Make GIFS at Download the ADHD APP: Like Animation Domination HighDef on Facebook: Follow Animation Domination HighDef on Twitter: Follow Animation Domination HighDef on Instagram: Follow Animation Domination HighDef on Tumblr: Animation Domination HighDef is a block of cartoons that air every Saturday on FOX at 11PM, 10c and all over the Internet all the time. Writer: Heather Anne Campbell Storyboard Director: Nicky Rojo Music, Composition: David Schmoll Voice Talent: Voice Over: Jon Bailey Sailor Moon: Angela Trimbur Sailor Mercury: Peggy Sinnott Sailor Mars: Heather Anne Campbell