Satanic Assault Division Destroying the Temple of God Anders Kneipe
Satanic Assault Division Destroying the Temple of God live at Anders Kneipe Fassberg. Crucifixed Tour is presented by Anticosmic Events Promotion Crucifixed Tour 2016 Kulturzentrum OsterholzScharmbeck (D) , die wahre beltez, Durothar Anders Kneipe, Fassberg (D) , Meister Scheisze, Durothar Roxy, Flensburg, SchleswigHolstein (D) , Obskura, helvetica, , vanen, , touch of Judas, , Powerhead, Violand, Boreout Syndrom, Oberfläche, Grimm härter, Svendborg (DK) rockplane, sieben Dornen, Durothar, Deadflesh Das Kontor, Garding (D) , Tuskinan Gleisberg, Sachsen (D) , Dark Armageddon, Bergen, Sarg Video, Edit: by Marco Fleischhut, EmotionVFX Anticosmic Events Promotion Still reading Well here are 2 options to join our division 1) Buy Cruxifixed EP here: 2) KILL CHRIST AND PISS ON GOD