Ancient Egypt by Train : S01 E02 Cairo ( SBS on Demand 2023 AU)( ENG, SUB ENG)
Ancient Egypt by Train Networks: Channel 5, History Hit (UK), SBS, SBS on Demand (AU) Season One, Episode 2 Cairo Release Date: March, 2023 (United Kingdom) Air Date: April, 2023 (Australia) 48 min, PG, History, Documentary, TV Mini Series (2023 now) (ENG, SUB ENG) About: Professor Alice Roberts arrives in Cairo by train carrying a book she first read as a youth, A Thousand Miles Up The Nile by Victorian Egyptologist Amelia Edwards. Alice follows Edwards footsteps to the Great Pyramids , AncientEgyptByTrain, Channel5, HistoryHit, SBS, History, Documentary, AliceRobertszdenek1964, AliceRobertsbritblood