Oaxaca Cloud Forests Part 2
This video was sponsored by Curiosity Stream. Check out for more of their brainexpanding content. In this second video featuring the flora of highaltitude Southern Oaxaca forests we take a look at various members of these diverse and sacred biodiversity hotspots, featuring but not limited to : Artorima erubescens (Orchidaceae) Hermannia inflata (Malvaceae) Cosmos diversifolius (Asteraceae) Manfreda pringlei Pinus chiapensis Begonia sp. Salvia sp. Cuphea sp. The plant referred to as a Psacalium is actually Verbesina turbacensis, at least it is being called that (it is not, and differs from this species on a number of ways)until someone can work on the genus and get it sorted out phylogenetically. Your contributions support this content. It sounds clichéd, but it s true. Whether it s travel expenses, vehicle repair, or medical costs for urushiol poisoning (or rockfalls, beestings, hand slices, toxic sap, etc), your finan