The Three Siblings Play: Saints Toe 2
213 567 просмотров 10 мая 2014г. 3656, 389 Ladies and more ladies, I present the first let s play (more like WATCH US PLAY GAMES AND HEAR US TALKehmwat) featuring Wes and Vinny, my two brothers (Wes, my awesome bro, voiced Xavior 3. 10 in my Elliot Goes to School Series. Vinny, the little guy, voiced the raging mic kid in Team Fabulous 2). I thought it d be nice to get together and show our brotherly love to you guys. Oh, and I animated that fancy new intro in Macromedia Flash 8 and a Bamboo tablet. It smells, I know, but I want to get past the better at 2D animation eventually. Love, kitty0706