Beat Me, Win 100
What better way to remind people how much fun table tennis can be than having an open challenge for all with 100 for ANYONE who wins Thanks to PINGPOD for the equipment and crew support. Thanks to my awesome crew: Al, Tim, Karlita, Austin and Tenzin. To win a 100 Amazon gift card, just leave an unedited comment with your valid instagram handle at IGusername on my next the earlier the better. Merchandise Here s how you can follow me on social media: I play for andro and my equipment is: Rubber RASANTER R45 (both sides) Blade Treiber K , tabletennis, pingpong, AdamBobrow, School Keywords: table tennis, ping pong, Adam Bobrow, 100, Giveaway, Prize, Street Challenge, tt game, New York, tt game, Street Pong, YouTuber, Win 100.