Amber Rae Dunn My Ryan ( Official Music Video)
So we all have that sibling that is kind of our best friend Obviously you love and cherish each one of them but when there is seven you might have one you just click more with. Ryan was my fishing partner, my junkn buddy, my auctions, backroads, bonfires, muddin partner. It was almost As if I was the little sister sometimes because he was just SO mature and so much of a man Anyways our video for My Ryan was supposed to come out yesterday. I cant even tell you how hard its been to make. Watching all this home footage of us as kids and remembering how happy we all were with our cousins, rabbits, puppies, kittens every animal we could find This video has been a hard I have to pace myself, some moments get VERY heavy in watching the words I wrote become fleshed out into visuals. I mean how do you capture a 23yr life in a 4 min song Well here goes my first attempt, I thank you all for the love support throughout this process I couldnt do it without you