MOC: Demarok the Beastmaster
The spawn of a shadow initiates when a light source is obstructed by an impenetrable object. So too were Demarok and Umarak spawned, one destined to cast the light while the other destined to obstruct it. These effects occur in tandem and dependent on one another. When one changes (either an adjustment of brightness or opacity), the other adapts. With Umarak s twisted transformation ignited by the Mask of Control, the equally corrupted Demarok heeds the call to train the rising army of Beasts to respond to his brother Umarak s beckon. With destinies intertwined, the brother s fate will depend on the unity of the Toa and their mandated duty to defeat evil. Thanks for taking a look at my video If you enjoyed watching this video and would like to see more like it, please hit the Like button and subscribe to my channel Play Stippling, where you can find other great videos just like this one