Laying A Talk Highway (1922)
Intertitle reads: The United States and Cuba have just been linked up by submarine telephone cable, and one more opportunity is provided for the Number engaged girls to get Panning shot of the deck of a cable laying ship. Various shots of the cable being laid. High angle shot of men at work pulling the cable. Ship to ship shots of two boats at sea. The man behind the if a hundred ton cable gets out of hand trouble arrives with both feet. C, U of the man who operates the brake. C, U of the cable entering the sea. Barrels float the cable to enable the men to haul it L, S of the ship with a line of barrels floating on the water. L, S of the harbour presumably Cuba. L, S of men standing knee high in the harbour pulling the cable as if participating in a tug of war. C, U of men holding the cable. L, S of many men hauling the cable. and the TalkHighway is and now Mr Cuban can tell Uncle Sam just what he thinks of if the cable doesn t Was Path