1959: Audrey Hepburn falls from white Stallion on the set of Unforgiven, on January 28
This montage is a composition of image and photo material with accompanying texts that show what happened that day and after when she fell from a white stallion during the recordings of The Unforgiven. The packaging of this after her healing is not discussed, but since she was pregnant she would later bear the consequences. On 28 May 1959 shortly after shooting Unforgiven was completed, Mel Ferrer told the press in Switzerland where they had moved that Audrey had suffered a miscarriage and was confined to bed. There had been reports on the subject two weeks before that date and Mel confirmed them: I regret it is true. Audrey has been in the hospital and came home last Friday The doctors ordered the actress to stay quiet for another two months. The accident she had in Durango was always cited as the cause of the miscarriage. Audrey was devastated and blamed herself.