HIS HER Possessive Adjectives Basic English Lesson
What is the difference between HIS and HER in English These two possessive adjectives can cause problems with some English learners as in their language they may have only one word for them. In this lesson we compare the subject pronouns HE and SHE and how they are related to HIS and HER. We see how HIS is for used with a male, for example a boy or a man. Wee see how HER is used with a female, for example a girl or a woman. See a couple more examples of HIS and HER regarding two kids holding balloons and how there is no singular or plural form of these possessive adjectives. The next part of this English lesson is to practice HIS and HER. EXERCISE 1: The first section is completing a sentence with HIS or HER. These 8 sentences are similar to: name is John. EXERCISE 2: In the second section there is a cartoon of two children dressed differently. Below the picture there will a sentence, for example: hair is brown. The viewer needs to complete the sen