3 Years of k1ck fox
This movie is an homage from K1ck eSports Club to one of the best CounterStrike players in the world, Ricardo fox Pacheco. Going for his fourth consecutive year in our Club, in a career that goes back at least a decade, we have produced this kind of nostalgic short fragmovie, showing only a small part of his multitude of skills, mainly with the weapon that he started using frequently only 1, 2 years ago, the AWP. Featuring aces and frags vs teams such as SKGaming, compLexity, Titans, Dignitas and emuLate, just to name a few, complemented with two consecutive awp doubles where he killed 4 enemies with only 2 shots, these are some of the highlights of a movie that would have dozens of minutes if we were to include most of his great performances. Directed by Renato slvdR Salvador