Fake profiles from Telegram 2023 v. 02
Warning from Scam Alert, ClickBaitExpose and Jordan Sather Phil Godlewski TRUMP BUCK FRAUDSTER SPAMMER, FAKE ACCOUNTS and FAKE CHANNELS The pyramid of fake names and profiles on Telegram is easy to identify. These are financial frauds. These profiles sell Trump Coin, JFK Coin, TRBTrump BUCK Etc. Fake informations about JFK, JFK Jr. , Princess Diana, John McAfee, QANON, Julian Assange, Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley, Keanu Reeves, Sylvester Stallone, Mel Gibson, John Durham, Melania TrumpTG, SMBK, Crypto SMBK SABMYK, etc. One man create 3050 and more fake accounts. Similar fraudulent information is also spread by Wikipedia. More informations: Scam Alert Telegram, ClickBaitExpose, Jordan Sather Etc. t. me, SCAMandFRAUDalert, 3428 t. me, jordansather, 7866 t. me, clickbaitexpose, 643