Brigade Futur III Spielvereinigung Sued OSTEN Festival, FILMED BY EAR
The Brigade Futur 3 takes art back to the street, to the Späti, to the playground, to the kitchen, to the balcony. Jazz, which finally concerns everyone again and despite this, or perhaps because of it, is allowed to have and make murderous fun of itself. If it doesn t work, it doesn t exist, and if it doesn t, it doesn t work. Free jazz in the original sense of the word. Wolf Kampmann This is how political music of the present provocative, catchy, subversive and driving. Beautiful and reflecting texts along with music that supports the principle of hope. This is an ambiguous declaration of war on our comfortable habits as a Dada, Swing, Rock and Jazz offensive. You rub your ears and then walk through our neoliberal perverted, cannibalistic consumer world with sharpened senses. Ulrich Steinmetzger Brigade Futur III Spielvereinigung Sued live OSTEN Festival, Bitterfeld, 2022 FILMED BY EAR is a series by Performer Brigade Fut