Baroque Pinto, characteristics, origin disciplines
The Baroque Pinto horse All about the Baroque Pinto horse origin characteristics temperament disciplines ehorses the leading online horse market , The Baroque Pinto is a very wellbalanced, harmoniously built and friendly tall horse, which is suitable for dressage, vaulting, as a show horse, but also as a carriage horse. The representatives of this breed are willing to perform and are characterized by high versatility. The breed originated from the crossbreeding of Friesian mares with the Altgelderländer pinto in the Netherlands. Baroque Pintos have only been around since the 1950s. They can be recognized at first glance by their striking black and white piebald markings. buy and sell Baroque Pinto horses with ehorses: ehorses magazine: Learn more about, horses, horsebreeds and, equestrianism on our YouTube channel. Dont forget to like comment and subscribe Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow, ehorses on: Facebook: Instagram: Pinterest: