Fatima Diame, Long jumps, Triple jumps, Tribute, 2017 2020, ᴴᴰ
This video is a tribute for the spanish athlete Fatima Diame Diame. You can admire her best jumps over the last years. Images are taken from: European U23 Championships 2017 Triple jump m (5th place) Mediterranean Games 2018 Long jump 6. 68 m (3rd place), Triple jump m (3rd place) European Games 2019 Long jump 5. 86 m (18th place) Liga Iberdrola 2019 Long jump 6. 44 m Spanish Clubs Championships 2020 Long jump 6. 56 m (1st place) Spanish Indoor Championships 2020 Long jump 6. 56 m (2nd place) Personal records: Outdoor Long jump 6. 68 (+1. 9 m, s, Tarragona 2018) Triple jump (+0. 4 m, s, Torrent 2017) br, br,