Czech Crisis (1968)
No title Czech crisis. Parliament recalled and Czech sympathisers demonstrate outside Russian Embassy and at Speaker s Corner. London. L, S Big Ben, pan down to Houses of Parliament. M, S crowds gathered outside Parliament. M, S cars and taxis bringing the politicians. M, S Jennie Lee arriving. Various shots cars arriving. Various shots showing the troubles in Prague. M, S burning tank. Various shots fire in the streets. L, S firemen trying to put the fires out, pan up to burning building. L, S fires. M, S tank in street. Various shots things on fire. Various shots of marchers arriving at Hyde Park for rally. M, S large crowd being addressed by Jennie Lee. L, S crowd. C, U Jennie Lee speaking. M, S mass crowd with heckler in foreground. M, S of George Brown addressing crowd. C, U George Brown. M, S crowd and disturbance in foreground. M, S crowd listening to George Brown, disturbance goes on between police and crowd. C, U line of police holding crowd back. M, S police forcing crowd back. M, S of massed crowd