The Star Child Transmission: Connecting Angelic Support, Soul Tribe, Star Races
PLEASE NOTE This transmission is to be used first on your own inner child and then using this track it can be used on a star child who is a blood relation or you have legal guardianship. This transmission is ideal for parents of Starseed children. (When using for a blood relation child during the transmission you will be invited to ask their Higher Self for permission to proceed. Please note sometimes you will not be granted permission. This must always be respected. Sometimes it is simply a question of timing). PLEASE NOTE In this transmission the Golden Rule is less is more. More light is not always the right thing. It is a question of the right intensity of light at the right time. This is very important. Too much light can feel detrimental. Too much light for a star child can shift things too quickly. Always be guided by your inner wisdom and your Higher Self as well as the Higher Self of the child. Star children have been coming in waves since the 1960s. Star Children have com br, br,