Reg Harris: Sportsman Of The Year (1950)
Full title reads: Reg. Harris: Sportsman Of The Year. Savoy Hotel, London. MV Reg Harris and friend arriving at the Savoy. CU Reg Harris. CU Czech Skater Aja Vrzanova arriving. SV Denis Compton chatting to Reg Harris. MV Reg Carter. CU Maureen Gardner. SV Fanny BlankersKoen, in white hat, with Aja Vrzanova. CU Bevan. VS of portrait of Reg Harris. VS of Bevan making speech about Reg Harris We had to wait a long time before we got the world cycling championship, but we ve got it at last and we re very grateful to him for that. We have exported plenty of cycles. It s time we won on one of them. I can assure all those who have taken part in sports that all of us now in the political world know what a close finish feels MV Aneurin (Nye) Bevan presenting Cup to Reg Harris. CU Harris holding Cup. LV Reg Harris about to speak. CU Harris speaking. We have in this country a lot of very fine athletes, cricketers, footballers and what have you. Somehow or other, when it comes to international compet