Hollywood Area OIS, , July 26, 2021
News Release Monday, July 26, 2021 Media Relations OfficerInvolved Shooting in Hollywood Division NRF03721ma The following information is based on a preliminary and ongoing investigation, which continues to evolve as investigators interview witnesses, review physical and electronic records, and analyze forensic evidence. The Department s understanding of the facts and circumstances may change as additional evidence is collected and analyzed Los Angeles: Los Angeles Police Department s (LAPD) Force Investigation Division is investigating an OfficerInvolved Shooting (OIS) that occurred in Hollywood Division. On July 15, 2021 around 11:20 a. m., LAPD Hollywood Patrol Division officers responded to a radio call of a man with a gun in the area of Cherokee Avenue and Hollywood Boulevard. As officers arrived in the area, they saw a male matching the description of the suspect from the radio call walking west on the south sidewalk, holding what they believed was