Side Show 2 Yamaha R1 power sliding in the canyons with dunlop race rubber
Hey guys FYI, the Full unedited raw runs on the 1. 3mile course start at 16:00mins in. I have like 20 of these raw runs I might upload later, and the best part is I hit them with consistency of no worse then three tenths of a second. Just bangin out hot laps. haha. But the first 16mins of the video I tried to show all the different corners and angles I could, then at the end some of the raw that makes sense. Hope you all like it I m hard at work always trying to learn more and improve my technique so I can bring you the best nonsanctioned time trial canyons riding videos, period. Thanks for checking out my films Keep checking back, I upload whenever I m not fixing the bike. 2008 Yamaha R1 superstock1000 road racing build, and it always needs something but has been my trusted machine for almost a decade. Love this bike. NN30