Ишиас и межпозвонковая грыжа в поясничном отделе позвоночника: упражнения и позиции
Субтитры на русском языке. The 334 method includes 3 positions to relieve low back pain and leg pain 3 exercises for pain caused by radiculopathy and nerve compression 4 activities to avoid if you have sciatica 00:00 Introduction 02:34 Disc herniation 03:39 Neurological exam, reflexes 04:10 Electromyography 04:30 Cauda equina syndrome 04:46 Position 1. Zlie position 06:22 Position 2. Prone lie on elbows 07:56 Position 3. Prone lying 08:47 Exercise 1. Keep walking 09:22 Exercise 2. Sloppy pushup exercise 10:27 Exercise 3. Standing back extension exercises 11:55 Avoid bendng the trunk 12:45 Avoid bending forward 14:03 Avoid sitting without lumbar support 15:40 Avoid stretching the hamstrings muscles 16:10 Don t do hamstring stretches 16:27 Avoid chronic pain , massageruvideomassageru Всё о массаже