Patient Assessment Medical, Difficulty Breathing, EMT Skills, Lung Sounds NREMT Review
Learn More (Video Study Course): The LifeSaving Video Vault EMS Students Use To Pass School NREMT On Easy Mode. (Without Complex, Boring Lectures Without Struggling Through Textbooks) This goal with creating this video was to make sure that the EMS student understands how to manage a difficulty breathing patient and understand how the different lung sounds can present in your emergency patient. Every student will go through the Patient Assessment Medical station, let s make sure you ready by understanding NREMT Signs and Symptoms. I breakdown the lung sounds; Rales, Rhonchi, Wheezing, Diminished, Absent, and we breakdown what it might mean for your patient. Whether you are preparing for EMT class or paramedic school this is a mustwatch video to understand this material cold Be Great, Evan, The Paramedic Coach , patientassessment, emtskills, nremt Watch even more from The Paramedic Coach How to pass NREMT Exams: Master Your Physical Exam: How Hard is The NREMT Exam What to do after a bad call