Fatal Frame: Maiden of the Black Water Overview Trailer
FATAL FRAME: Maiden of Black Water the spinechilling adventure launches digitally on October 28, 2021 across North America on Nintendo Switch, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox One X, S, PC Steam. FATAL FRAME: Maiden of Black Water is an enhanced version of the 2014 Wii U release of the same name, allowing players on all platforms to enjoy this unique horror experience. Players will step into the shoes of Yuri Kozukata, Ren Hojo, and Miu Hinasaki as they venture up the eerie Mt. Hikami in hopes of finding those who have previously disappeared. In order to overcome the malevolent spirits housed in the mountains waters, they will have to master the Camera Obscura a unique camera that can deal damage to ghosts upon taking a photo. Each successful shot will cause a spirit to emit Spirit Fragments and if players are able to capture an image of the ghost and these mysterious fragments in the same frame, they will unleash a highdamage Fatal Frame attack. Upgrading the cameras parts, such as equipping a stronger lens